It goes without saying that most everyone craves perfect, healthy skin but sometimes we go too far to achieve such flawless skin. For this reason alone, we gathered five easy tips from top dermatologists about the things you should never do to your skin. Listen up!
Picking and Popping:
According to dermatologist Heidi Waldorf, picking and popping blemishes is the worst thing you can do for the skin! Not only does it create inflammation in the skin but it often causes discoloration and scars to remain behind. So if you have an Everest sized zit, either see you dermatologist for an injection of cortisone or apply some benzoyl peroxide. Be sure to manage chronic breakouts with a medical regimen that has been specifically tailored to your skin type.

Picking And Popping
Forget The Toothpaste:
Dermatologist Valerie Callender has officially denounced the YouTube beauty-vloggers and their “toothpaste tip.” All skin functions as a pH level of 5.5. However when you apply toothpaste to dry out zits, it causes the pH level to skyrocket. On top of that, it causes irritation, dry skin, and discoloration. In fact, Callender has said that the side effects of using toothpaste can “look worse than the pimple!”

Forget The Toothpaste
A Miracle Cure Doesn’t Exist:
New York dermatologist Kavita Mariwalla says that you shouldn’t believe the hype about a “miracle cure” to rid of acne. More often than not, if it seems too good to be true then it probably is. Mariwalla states that often when using one of these “miracle cure” creams, you only end up with itchy, red, inflamed skin which is a direct result from the chemicals in the cream. Just remember: remain a skepticism when hearing of such claims.

A Miracle Cure Doesnt Exist
Leg Hair Removal Cream Isn’t An Option:
Wendy E. Roberts, a California dermatologist, says “I have seen this end up in burns, scars, and skin discoloration.” Yup, don’t even for one second think that putting leg hair removal cream on your face is even remotely a good idea!

Leg Hair Removal Cream Isnt An Option
Dermatologists Say No To Alcohol:
Florida dermatologist Latanya Benjamin says that using alcohol as a skin cleanser, cut clear, or zit remover will only strip skin of natural oils, proteins, and fatty acids. Which we need to secure our skin barrier and keep any irritants out.

Dermatologists Say No To Alcohol
In Conclusion:
Never forget that your skin is the largest and most accessible organ, so make sure you’re taking care of it wisely with these tips from top dermatologists around the country.