“You are what you eat,” is a classic but oh-so unbelievably true motto, one that we should all really start to abide by. Beautiful skin can (unfortunately) be quite difficult to attain, especially nowadays where one too many beauty products, crazy diet pills, and weight loss plans are constantly being throw in our faces. However what the media/magazines/YouTube videos/nutritionists seemingly failed to mention is that beautiful skin starts with nourishment from within. Sounds cliche, we know, but it’s the truth. So essentially eating the correct balance of foods will feed your skin the essential nutrients it needs, helping it stay soft, supple, and blemish-free.
Treat both your taste buds and your skin by eating something delicious, healthy, and naturally sweet such as strawberries! This red fruit is not only an excellent source of Vitamin C, but it also is quite influential to fight off wrinkles and dry skin — who knew? In fact, the more Vitamin C you incorporate into your diet the quicker you’ll see positive skin results. Whether it’s a smoothie, in your oatmeal, a topping for your ice cream, or a midnight snack, eating strawberries, or any source of Vitamin C, will help heal blemishes properly and give you radiant skin.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (jk, but really), you probably have heard of this “new” green, super healthy, leafy vegetable called Kale. Although it seems odd for a vegetable to be “trendy”, we must admit that there’s a great reason for all the rage. Kale is jam-packed with zeaxanthin and lutein — say what? Zeaxanthin and lutein are super antioxidants that help prevent your skin from doing things you REALLY don’t want it too. We’ll leave you with this food for thought: just one cup of kale will provide 130% of your required Vitamin A and C. Our suggestion, this is a trend you should be apart of.

Red Wine
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Shiraz, Pinot Noir, name your red grape of choice and order yourself a glass of vino. Adding red wine to your diet can be quite beneficial for your skin. Red wine (red grapes) transforms a dull complexion into its original glow thanks to antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight the free radicals that tear apart your skin cells which make aging even more tough then it already is. Benefits aside, we ask that you of course drink responsibly and to do some research before you wine and dine. Cheers!

Red Wine