Paul Rodriguez
As far as comedians go, Paul Rodriguez has had quite the long and diverse career. Born in Mexico, raised in Los Angeles, and schooled on the GI Bill, Rodriguez has turned into a diverse and talented entertainer. Rodriguez has starred in such acclaimed films as Ali and Blood Work. Of course the Crocodile Dundee films will always remember him as Diego in the third and final installment of the Dundee Trilogy.

Paul Rodriguez
Jere Burns
Jere Burns has the ultimate ‘bad guy’ face and perhaps that is why he is so fondly remembered as Arnan Rothman in Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles. In any event, Burns has had quite the killer career since leaving the trilogy. Burns has some huge TV roles on his resume thanks to projects like The Muppets, From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, and the hit TV series Justified as Wynn Duffy. Needless to say, it doesn’t look like Jere will ever be in need of some work to keep him busy.

Jere Burns